Starting a New Year

We are so thrilled to be back in action with our weekly programs! The excitement of our students on the first day back to House of Faith is always so precious. They truly love being there! At one of my Backyard Bible Clubs this week a student asked during playtime, “Are we still going to learn about Jesus?” When I said yes, she exclaimed, “Good! Jesus is my favorite!”

We are kicking off this semester with a unit called “The Beginning and the End.” Our theme verse is Revelation 21:6–“He said to me, ‘It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.’” We want our students to grow in understanding our Creator God and to know that He created everything for a purpose, including each one of them.

As we introduced the unit this week with the concepts that God created everything and He made us for relationship with Him, it was pretty sweet to see our students really taking it all in and processing it. One little one asked how God could make all of that by Himself, blown away by how powerful God is. They were also amazed to think that God Himself wants to be their friend. Their child-like faith is so precious!

Will you please join us in praying for this semester? Pray that our team would have wisdom as they develop lessons, for more volunteers, and for our students and families to have open hearts for the Word of God.

Thank you so much for your continued support of House of Faith in so many ways! We are all in this together!

Haley Galvan

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